


This three (3) credit Travel Course: 中国。, Corporate and Cultural Study Tour, is 提供通过旅行学习的机会. 中国曾经被认为是一个沉睡的国家 巨大的. That 巨大的 has now awaken and its economy will soon be the 最大 in the world. 中国。 is one of the world’s oldest civilizations going back 5000 years. 她已经改变了 成立博中文版的全球经济领袖. 本课程确保学生 are exposed to 中国。’s history and culture, while providing them with the knowledge 以及在全球经济中发挥作用的经验. 本课程包括参观 of multi-national corporations in Shanghai, the center of 中国。’s economic resurgence, 在西安和北京开展文化交流.


  1. Have an appreciation and understanding of Chinese history, culture, the structure of its political and economic system, its social structure, business tradition, conventions 以及社会伦理.
  2. Discuss the role that 中国。 plays in the global world arena.
  3. Understand the interdependence of countries in the 21st Century.
  4. Be able to explain points of similarity and difference in their experiences in 中国。 和美国.
  5. Think critically about the economic and social impacts of 中国。’s economic reforms, 全球化的影响.
  6. Be able to situate the value of their travel within their larger college experience.


Prior to and after the trip, students will have weekly meetings with Professors Kahn and Whalen, the faculty leaders of the trip, to discuss issues relating to Chinese 历史、文化、社会和经济. 学生将被要求完成指定的作业 阅读和提交作业. 在这次旅行中,卡恩教授和惠伦教授等 guides will give on-site talks and tours, and students will be required to keep a 杂志. After the trip, students will complete a project based on their knowledge 以及在中国的经验.


Students will be evaluated on the following: attendance at class meetings, participation in discussions, written tests, in-class presentations, written assignments on course readings, a final reflective project on the knowledge and experience gained in the 课程,以及在课程的行进部分的行为.



中国。In addition to being the People’s Republic of 中国。’s capital, Beijing is one of the world's leading centers for politics, economy and business, finance, education, culture, innovation and technology, architecture, language, and diplomacy. 这是第二个 最大 Chinese city by urban population after Shanghai and is the nation's political, 文化教育中心. 这里是中国大多数企业的总部所在地 最大
state-owned companies and houses the 最大 number of Fortune Global 500 companies in the world, as well as the world's four biggest financial institutions. 这也是 a major hub for the national highway, expressway, railway, and high-speed rail networks.

Combining both modern and traditional architecture, Beijing is one of the oldest cities in the world, with a rich history dating back three millennia. 作为最后的 Four Great Ancient Capitals of 中国。, Beijing has been the political center of the country for most of the past eight centuries, and was the 最大 city in the world 在公元第二个千年的大部分时间里.D. 《立博中文版》注释 that "few cities in the world have served for so long as the political headquarters 和中国一样大的地区的文化中心.群山环绕着 inland city on three sides, in addition to the old inner and outer city walls, Beijing was strategically poised and developed to be the residence of the emperor and thus 这里是建都的最佳地点吗. 这座城市以其奢华而闻名 宫殿、寺庙、公园、花园、坟墓、城墙和大门. 我们将参观四个 UNESCO World Heritage Sites – the Forbidden City, the Temple of Heaven, the Summer 宫殿和长城. 此外,我们还将看到全国人民代表大会, 天安门广场和2008年奥林匹克中心.


西安西安是陕西省的省会. 它坐落在西北的关中平原上 中国。. It is one of the oldest cities in 中国。, and the oldest of the Four Great Ancient Capitals, having held the position under several of the most important dynasties in Chinese history, including Western Zhou, Qin, Western Han, Sui, and Tang. 西安是 the starting point of the Silk Road and home to the Terracotta Army of Emperor Qin 老黄.


中国。Shanghai is the 最大 city in 中国。 by population, and the second most populous city in the world, with a population of more than 24 million as of 2017. 这是一个全球性的 financial center and transport hub, with the world's busiest container port. 位于 in the Yangtze River Delta, it sits on the south edge of the estuary of the Yangtze 位于中国东部沿海的中部. 上海的重要性在20世纪90年代日益增长 19th century due to trade and recognition of its favorable port location and economic 潜在的. The city then flourished as a center of commerce between 中国。 and other 世界各地. It became the primary financial hub of the Asia-Pacific region 20世纪30年代. In recent years, the government has introduced economic reforms which resulted in an intense redevelopment of the city, including the return of finance 外国投资. It is a hub for international trade and finance; it is the home of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, one of the world's 最大.

旅行的细节 (如有更改)


Additional costs: Chinese visa – good for 10 years ($140 required)


  • Round Trip transportation from Albany, NY to 中国。 by United Airlines
  • High Speed Train from Beijing to 西安; and
  • 中国航空公司从西安到上海的航空运输
  • 4 or 5 Star Hotel Accommodations Double Occupancy (Single Room Supplement: $600 per 人)
  • All Meals, Entrance fees to Historical and Cultural sights and museums.


行程:2019年3月14日至24日 (如有更改)

3月14日星期四——离开北亚当斯. 经由美国联合航空公司经奥尔巴尼飞往北京 芝加哥.

3 Days in Beijing – The Capital of The People’s Republic of 中国。

  • 全国人民代表大会
  • 天安门广场和紫禁城
  • 长城
  • 北京2008奥林匹克中心
  • 颐和园
  • 天坛


2天在西安 ——中国四大古都之一

  • 兵马俑
  • 陕西省博物馆


4 Days in and around Shanghai – Examine a hybrid socialist – capitalist system

  • Shanghai University of International Business and Economics (SUIBE)
  • 参观苏州通用汽车和大众汽车公司
  • 上海股市
  • 参观上海世贸组织中心
  • 上海文化之旅

Sunday, March 24—Fly from via United from Shanghai to Albany via 芝加哥


Dr. 汤姆瓦伦
电子邮件: T.Whalen@pagesofexhibitions.net

电子邮件: bkahn@pagesofexhibitions.net
Venable G-09