MCLA recognizes the numerous and increasingly important benefits of energy conservation. Energy costs have consistently risen in recent years and will likely continue to do so. In addition to conserving financial resources, energy conservation is crucial to our success at reducing air and water pollution, global warming, dependence on foreign energy supplies and to conserve our natural resources for future generations.
Energy used for heating and cooling is directly affected by the indoor temperatures 我们坚持. 这种加热 & Cooling Policy is necessary to define standards that balance responsible stewardship with the need for comfortable living, learning 工作环境. The policy adopted by MCLA is consistent with industry standards and the practices of our peer institutions.
Our campus heating season normally runs from October 1 to April 30, or as dictated 受天气影响. The daytime heating set-point for academic and administrative 建筑 is 68 degrees and 70 degrees for residential 建筑. 夜间加热设定点 for academic and administrative 建筑 is 60 degrees and 65 degrees for residential 建筑.
The cooling season runs approximately from May 15 to September 15, depending upon 天气. The cooling set-point is 76 degrees.
学术建筑: Academic 建筑 are considered occupied Monday-Saturday.
行政建筑: Administrative 建筑 are considered occupied Monday-Friday. 这些建筑将 be set to the nighttime set-point on weekends and holidays.
住宅: Residential 建筑 are considered occupied every day.
Freel库: The Library is considered occupied every day.
Exception to the 供暖和制冷政策
We recognize that there are areas and designated times when exceptions to the policy are in the best interest of the college. Some examples of areas that may reasonably be excepted include computer equipment rooms, archives, animal and scientific experiment 实验室等. Special events, held after daytime heating hours may require that temperatures 临时调整. All request for exceptions should be submitted to the Power 5261号分机的工厂. Exceptions shall not be granted for personal convenience or for gathering or meetings that could be scheduled during daytime heating hours or held in a location that has extended heating hours.
Personal electric space heaters are only to be used with the prior approval of the 设备部门. Electric resistance heaters are costly, can create overloads to the building electric service and pose a significant risk of fire. 电加热器 will only be approved after 设施 has evaluated the area's heating system and it is determined that the existing system is not capable of consistently maintaining within two degrees of the established heating set-point temperature. 设施将 only approve high-efficiency radiant heaters approved by Underwriters Laboratory. Please contact the 设施 Office if you have an area to be evaluated for the use 空间电加热器.
All new window air conditioning units must be approved by 设施 and be Energy Star Compliant and shall be turned off at the end of the work day.