性别 & 性 Center

地点: Amsler 校园中心, Room 324 
小时: Daily, 7:00 AM – 11:00 PM

MCLA has a rich history of uplifting and empowering it’s queer and women students 通过像身份这样的安全空间 & 性别平等资源中心和妇女 Center. Because we know that the fights for sexual, romantic, and gender equity are deeply intertwined and rooted in intersectionality, we now have a spacious and combined 性别 and 性 Center which focuses on the many aspects of these fights.

Located on the 3rd floor of the Amsler 校园中心, the 性别 and 性 Center provides a variety of resources and programs to foster both academic and personal growth for students across the sexual, romantic, and gender identity spectrum. It serves as a safe space for students of all genders and sexualities to cultivate community, learn, and grow together. 我们还旨在提高周围的意识和熟练程度 the 身份 and issues facing women and queer communities both on campus and in our surrounding communities. 我们知道我们的工作永远不会结束,这是我们的 communities continue to grow and evolve, so will our fight, our knowledge, and our 目标. We are committed to continually learning, growing, and creating a safe and welcoming space that uplifts community members to embrace, show up as, and thrive as their most authentic selves. 

Student 组织

性别 and 性 Center is home to a growing array of student-led organizations, 包括:


Queer Student Union Logo

Queer Student Union

a safe-space, student-run organization for LGBTQIA+ folks and allies

Femme Forward Coalition Logo

Femme Forward Coalition

a coalition of FLINTA (women, lesbians, intersex, non-binary, trans, and agender) 在社区中探索成长、治愈和行动主义的个人


My Masculinity Dialogue Group

a group of men, masculine, and nonbinary folks re-imagining masculinity through reflection, dialogue, and community


性别 & 性 Center has a variety of resources to help students grow and 在个人和学术上茁壮成长,包括:




Including a variety of fiction and nonfiction texts on LGBTQIA+ and feminist topics, students have an array of resources at their fingertips for academic or personal use.


Information 资源

The GSC is dedicated to providing current and relevant information on a variety of topics and resources including physical and mental health, suicide prevention, sexual assault awareness and prevention, crisis hotlines, identity affirmation community resources, and more.

Affirmation Closet Logo

Affirmation Closet

This grassroots, student-created resource is an amazing space for students to both 分享和接收身份确认的服装和配饰. MCLA students can donate unloved clothing that is clean and in good condition to be re-homed amongst the student 人口. This is an especially vital resource for queer, trans, and nonbinary students to find free and affirming clothing as they explore their 身份.

Out ar MCLA Logo

a voluntary community of MCLA staff, faculty, and administrators who self-identify as members of the LGBTQIA+ community - because visibility matters when it comes to 感觉被关注,找到支持你的人. 通过这张单子,我们希望同学们 who identify as members of the community will be able to find mentors who are also members of the community.

成长 & 与我们一起学习!

In addition to providing many opportunities to connect with community, find safe spaces, 获取资源,性别 & 性中心也致力于建设 strong ally communities to our LGBTQIA+ and women students 和工作人员. MCLA提供 a variety of opportunities for students, faculty, 和工作人员 alike to expand their knowledge and sharpen their allyship practices, and we encourage all to take advantage.


MCLA安全区 offers training to expand your allyship for all students, faculty, 和工作人员.


  • 安全区域1.0
  • 101年性别
  • 101年性
  • 安全区2.0

我们一直在寻求扩大我们的产品和我们的团队. Reach out to join the 团队,参加研讨会的机会,或学习更多!

Students, faculty, & 员工可以报名参加即将到来的培训或要求特别培训 他们部门的会议!

Safe Zone Resource Guide

MCLA安全区 has created the ultimate resource guide to help you in your continued growth and allyship. 你是否正在寻找资源来扩展你的知识 of your own community or simply to get to know our communities better, we've got you 覆盖.

  • LGBTQIA+ 组织
  • 热线
  • 视频
  • 来自其他可信赖组织的指南
  • 书籍、电影、节目和社交媒体推荐
  • Allyship Vocabulary
  • Helpful Graphics

Feel free to reach out with recommendations for other resources to add or any questions!

性别 and Feminism Image

Make allyship and intersectionality a key part of your college career with the WGSS 小! This 小 explores how gender and sexuality are socially, culturally, and historically constructed, negotiated, and contested; considers the feminist perspective in a variety of contexts; and approaches women, gender, and sexuality studies from an interdisciplinary perspective.

  • 从女权主义的角度考虑传统学科.
  • 培养对妇女经历的跨学科理解.
  • 研究女性的角色、形象和成就.
  • Examine the ways in which gender is socially, culturally, and historically constructed.


性别 and 性 Center is run by both professional and student staff who 为校园社区提供宝贵的资源.

Photo of Ara Phoenixx, a nonbinary human with blue hair, glasses, and a variety of jewelry. Ara穿着深色连体衣,坐在办公桌前,面带微笑.
Ara Phoenixx (他们/他们)
Program Coordinator for 性别 & 性

办公室: Amsler 校园中心, Room 320

电子邮件: ara.phoenixx@pagesofexhibitions.net

Ara担任性别的专业工作人员领导 & 性 Center, serving as a mentor for all LGBTQIA+ and women students, as an advisor for student-led affinity 作为GSC的项目协调员. 他们密切合作 with the rest of the Institution for Diversity, Equity, 包容, and 归属感 staff and student organizations, including the Multicultural 教育 Resource Center (MERC) to ensure that students feel seen, safe, and sovereign in all of their intersectional 身份.